Business Cards

Marshall Arts Business Cards, front and back. Designed 2017 in Photoshop for the art website I created to sell my ceramics and artwork. The image on the card is one of my ceramic creations which was a commission piece

Judith Marshall UX Design Business Card, front and back. I designed this card in Photoshop This month, May 2023. The logo image is a new idea which offers depth.

Marshall Organic Produce is a fun project. This project was designed in Photoshop. As I firmly believe in preserving and protecting the environment and eating healthy, organic foods, the notion of making the business a reality would be welcoming.

When I was commissioned to design and build the Island Pond Historical Society website I was also asked to design business cards for the museum President, and Vice President. This design was created in Photoshop. When designing I was asked not to put their personal phone number on the card. It was designed so that the President or Vice president could write their number on the back if they choose.