My Logos

This is an alternative logo to my original Judith Marshall UX Design Logo.

Ethan Allen Healthy Food Restaurant logo was designed for my first project which I conducted in a program called Figma.

The original Judith Marshall UX Design logo for my business. Above is an alternative but I prefer this cleaner design.

Shoptacle is another project I am working on for fun. This logo was created in Photoshop.

When I designed my business card this logo was added along with my business logo. It was created in Vistaprint which was a lot of fun

Marganis or, Marshall Organic Produce is a fun project. This logo was created in Photoshop.

This design was created in Photoshop. it is not designated to a brand.

Big brother is watching you! This logo was a fun project. It was created in Photoshop. Undesignated.

Designed in Photoshop. Undesignated

This D-Fab logo was created for a project, Digit Fables which is a digital bookstore and e-reader.